Hi, based on the 1st day of my last menstrual period, I should be 7 weeks pregnant. I had my first ultrasound to confirm pregnancy, but what the doctor saw via transvaginal ultrasound was not that of 7 weeks, she estimated between 5 1/2- 6 weeks. She saw a gestational sac, yolk sac, fetal pole and a faint but unmeasurable heartbeat. I go back in 1 week for a follow up to see if there's been growth. Is that normal/expected development for 5 1/2- 6 weeks? I ovulated late in the cycle I got pregnant, I had somewhat irregular cycles being off birth control for 4 months when I conceived, I ovulated on cycle day 20 rather than the "typical" day 14. I've been so upset that something is wrong but want to know if what they saw was actually normal and to be expected? I've had no bleeding or cramping. Thank you!