Hi, can I answer your health question? Please type I have been having a fluctuating (comes and goes) type of pain in both sides of chest for last 3 years, though the frequency has been increased from last 5 months. I had gone through TMT and
2D Echo tests in August, 2016. Both these tests were perfect. I got whole body abdomen ultrasound and chest x-ray done in September, 2016, these were also normal. I got chest CECT scan done in May, 2018. This is also perfect. I have gone through ECG tests for 4-5 times during last three years. All were normal. My LIPiD profile (as in March, 2018) was Total cholesterol: 191, Trigly: 143, HDL: 49 and LDL: 125. All other tests like LFT, KFT, TSH, Sugar are normal. Vit. D is 36 nmol/L. For Vit. D, I have taken 10 days course of Aqua D3 solution in May-18, but there is no relief. question here...