Hi, can I answer your health question? Please type your question here...Hello. I'm so scared. This past Saturday night around midnight June 2, My boyfriend and I were messing around. I was giving him a blowjob and now that I'm thinking about it he may have had pre cum on his penis. Anyway I moved the lips of my vagina or just messed with the top to put it all back under my shorts. I don't think immediately after. However a few hours later he came in his pants , some may have gotten on his fingers but he said he wiped it off, but we can't remember if he just messed with the top of my vagina or not. I know he didn't finger me. 20 hours later I took the plan b pill. And the next day I took 2 birth control pills. Skipped yesterday and took 2 more tonight. (The last time I took birth control was a year ago I dug up my old pack, I know I'm not supposed to but I'm trying to force my period) Could I be pregnant. I've never had sex before so my Hyman is still in place. My last period started may 17. My cycle lasts around 29 days. Since Saturday I've been cramping, tired, experiencing cravings, and slightly tender breasts. Tonight I'm experiencing nausea slightly but I don't know if that's Bc I'm so scared. Also I bought first response pregnancy test. Do you think if I took one it would give me an accurate result. Please help me I'm so scared.