Hi doc, I had my 2d echo and the results are ff:
-the left ventricle is normal in dimension by patients weight, with normal interventricular septum and thickened posterior wall diamter, with good wall motion and contractility, and preserved overall systolic function.
-the left ventricular mass index is 108 gm/m2 with increased relative wall thickness of 0.55
-the left atrium, right atrium and right ventricle are normal in sizes with good contractility
-the aortic root and pulmonary artery are not widened.
-the aortic cusps are thickened and calcified, but with no restrictions in motion.
-the mitral valve, tricuspid valve, and pulmonic valve appear structurally normal.
-the interatrial septum and interventricular septum are intact
-no mass, thrombus and vegetation seen.
no pericardial abnormalities.
-there is reversal E:A ratio across the mitral valve suggestive of diastolic relaxation abnormality.
-there is mosaic color flow observed across the mitral valve during systole suggestive of mild mitral regurgitation
-there is mosaic color flow observed across the tricuspid valve during systole suggestive of mild tricuspid regurgitation.
-there is mosaic color flow observed across the pulmonic valve suggestive of pulmonic regurgitation
-the pulmonary artery pressure by acceleration time is normal.
-Concentric left ventricular hypertrophy with good motion and contractility and preserved overallsystolic function
-droppler evidence of diastolic relaxation abnormality
aortic sclerosis
-mild mitral regurgitation
-mild triscupid regurgitation
-pulmonic regurgitation
-normal pulmonary artery pressure
Doc am I fit to work of doing working papers