Hi doctor I need help. On Sunday I had sex with my partner and I let her go ontop... I have very high pain tolerance and find pain pleasurable. She had a orgasm and injured me, a penis ligament is popping out like a vein and I'm really scared. I can only see it when I have an errection. The pain is minor and I went to my family doctor showed him and he dosent know, but thinks it might be a fracture. I'm really upset and scared, losing sleep. I have an appointment to see a urologist in two weeks... the ligament is located on the oppisite side of where pee comes out of, so over not under... it dosent hurt to pee, Google is scaring me. I feel like my sex life is going to end because I might need surgery. The surgery I might have to get is a one inch insigen, it says the scar can't stretch or grow so when I get an errection my penis is going to have a bent.. I have a pretty lard penis to so this makes me upset. I don't know if this is all true or it might just be a strain for over eorking it and it will recover over time.. I can still masterbate, I did when I noticed it, when I got home the next day after the injury... I'm very confused and I'm going crazy over this. Please help me out Doctor, im hoping it's nothing to serious.