Hi doctor, ever since march i have been having this gastrointestinal problem due to my unhealthy and abusive lifestyle. Basically after i did meth in march, my body collapsed into a bad condition. i recovered after 2 weeks from taking meth, but i have been having series of bad flatulence, fatigue, excessive belching, shortness of breath and light headed until today. Also i must tell you when i did meth it was 2 weeks after i got out from the hospital from dengue fever. My lifestyle over the past 5 years isnt exactly healthy as well. I smoked too much and i smoked weed everyday and mostly in the morning with an empty stomach. Ive seen a few MDs and all of them.do not think this is a serious problem, for me it affects everything, i can't seem.to get my usual strength anymore, means ive.problem with working out, or singing( i play music). Now.im on free smoke period trying to lead a healthy lifestyle, cud my body recover.back.to normal as i.used.to be, or have i given my body permanent damage? The doctors wouldnt rule out GERD or IBS, could it be ulcer or any inflammation in the stomach area?