Hi doctor(s),
My uncle is currently in the MICU. Doctors say due to high blood pressure (BP ) his nerve around the hypothalamus ruptured,resulting in a clot. He is currently on a ventilator.
From what I gathered,
The clot is 2-3 mm big
There is no medication given currently except fluids.
He used to have dialysis twice a week, which is stopped now as this results in higher BP.
There is no moment in the body, but at times I see him shiver, twitch a finger. This possibly could be because of high keratin levels?(my granny was on dialysis too).
Has been in the ICU for 6days now, BP was b/w 180-230 on the higher side.. is controlled now.
Did not smoke or drink.
No known illnesses other than that the kidneys failed last year..
What I would like to know is-
Is surgery an option? Docs say no since the clot is too big and the bleeding continuous.
Since he is on NO medication and that he was on dialysis, won't this be and issue?
One of the nurses, my friend said that the ventilator may lead to pneumonia.. and that soon they will have to make a hole in his throat to help him breathe.
When a close family member spoke, the patients hand twitched for a sec. I do not know if he can hear us, a coincidence perhaps..or may be this means a thing?
What can we expect next?
kindly help by advising,
many thanks