Hi... erm... I don't know what to say other than I've looked at a lot of medical issues online and found many forums with people explaining their symptoms and their worries etc. However I've managed to narrow my problem down to "Precordial catch syndrome", and I've searched a lo about it. I'm nearly 18 in 2 months so that fits the typicality of the most common cases. My friend in school says he gets the same feeling, in the same place etc.
But theres one problem. Ive been having this for over 24 hours. Since lunch yesterday, I can't fins anyone having an episode past 30 minutes or an hour.
I have been getting them a lot in multi second long episodes, and ignored them and thought I'd be acting like a hypocondriac to worry.
Today I've had a few relief stages durinf PE and Hockey during and after school, and cycling home, or when walking to classes that are further away from each other.
Any ideas?