Hi, im a 17 year old girl and not sure what to do in my situation, I have aa large lumpliterally shaped like a ball on the outside of my anus... I have had it for about a year and 6 months, I find this incredibly embarrassing so I haven't seen a doctor but at the same time I want it gone, cancer does run in my family so I'm not sure if that could be it or not but I'm not jumping to conclusions, in doesn't hurt at all, I often forget it's there, it doesn't itch at all, but I always feel like I have to use the bathroom even right after I have, and for as long as the lump has been there I've had gas and bloating, I get a lot of abdominal pain and I'm always tired. It's really embarrassing to me because my boyfriend recently noticed it, he wasn't grossed out at all but he was worried it could be something harmful, but I still find it embarrassing for some reason