Hi, my age is 19, I've been having this problem for about a year now and this is a question mostly specialized in the urologist area. About a year ago, I slept on the front side of my body one night just before I went to sleep. I was for some reason feeling a bit horny and pushed my testicles against the bed really hard, and went to sleep on that squished position for several hours. After I woke up the next day I was in a lot of pain and knew it had happened because I slept in a bad position for my testicles last night, so I just planned on waiting for the pain to disappear. About 2 months later the pain stopped and now the testicles are completely numb, feel weird, pain if I were to stand for too long, pain after an ejaculation, lost a ton of sensitivity (testicles and penis), the sack of the testicles looks completely different now, the testicles hang lower than before and feel like they have been damaged. I've done an ultrasound in the testicles, and have been examined by a urologist but they have both told me that nothing is wrong, but I feel and know there is because I am experiencing pain and discomfort. It's been a year now, and I promise you that I am not mental or crazy, because I was actually tested a few months ago by a couple of therapists. I really need to know what's wrong with me so I can get this problem fixed because I feel like I could accomplish a lot more in my life, mostly in studying and working if I wasn't always discomfort.