Hi my dad is currently in the ICU. He has stomach pain and admitted to Hospital. the next day, doctor push him to ICU and where they check the blood test and CT scan. . He give him antibiotic meropenem 500 and sedation as my dad has fever, heart rate range 112-200 and lack of Oz which rely on the machine. after the stability, doctor intend to remove the sedation.But the heart beat not stable, they put the sedation again. after 5 days, they found that my dad has gallstone at the tube dust. So they perform the ERCP on the 8 days. The delay is because my dad condition is not stable. . since his heart rate is increase, doctor give him a sedation again. He has been out of sedation since 4 days ago. but as today, he has not wake up. my dad is currently 70 years. doctor said he has blood infection ( sepsis) and bacteria has spread his body. Doctor perform the kidney dialysis and blood cleaning.
May I know how long will my dad will wake up after the sedation?
With his condition, is his diagnose with sepsis?