Hi, my friend fell at work last week, her feet went out in front of her, and she went right down on her tailbone, she's a tough girl and weighs about 115 and is 5'5, I knew right away she was hurt because she couldn't get up for about a minute and she's not one to.complain about pain at all, she got up and continued working but I was concerned because you could clearly see she was in pain at work for the next 2 days, then the weekend came and she couldn't do anything she wanted to do, saying it was her mood and she didn't feel good, on Sunday night she had sex and all of a sudden she said there was blood everywhere, she was bleeding big clots, and she's in extreme pain, Today my boss told her she could leave and go to the hospital because she couldn't take the pain and cramps she was experiencing and she started thinking her birth control failed and maybe she was having a spontaneous abortion, the hospital took a pregnancy test and it ruled out pregnancy, it was negative and they just said she was experiencing a reallt bad period. She just told me she doesn't feel right and wasn't happy with how they examined her. I told her maybe it has to do with the fall and she needs an xray. My question is could she have hurt herself internally and when she had sexual intercourse could it have hurt her more? The cramps and pain in her uturas area didn't start till she started bleeding badly. If you could help me help her it would mean alot. Thanks. :)