Hi my name is Jennifer. I am going to be 28 on the 26th. I am on Sulfasalazine for Ankylosing spondylitis and amitriptyline for pain during intercourse currently and I also take omprazomol for my stomach, multivitamins, and tramadol and flexeril as needed, but I have not taken tramadol or flexeril in more than 48 hours. For the last two weeks I have been experiencing what feels like severe heart palpitations. I work nights and my husband works days and we have a 1 1/2 year old son. I just started onkine college classes today. I do believe that my palpitations are due to anxiety, but my heart rate at resting has been between 106-110 for the last 2 weeks, and chest pain has started today. I am very uncomfortable, and am not sure what I should do.