Hi, my name is Kelly. So, here's my situation. I'm suppose to be 8 weeks pregnant due to my last known period which was June 27th,2016. I skipped all of July, then tested with a faint positive August 1st. A few days later, I started having brownish pink discharge with a full blown menstrual like bleeding a few days later. I had no pain at all.I bled for 10 days. I went to the E.R 3 times to have my HCG level checked and they were: 87,147,then 300. I had an ultrasound today and my uterus was empty. I had 3 months of irregular periods a month before my missed period from 11-22 days apart from each other. My question is, with irregular periods and still having a dark positive, could I have possibly conceived later and might be too early to see anything, or did I miscarry?