Hi, my name is LJ. I have been taking percoset 10/325, approximately 70 mg per day, for almost 2 years. I'm a recovering alcoholic and have been sober for 8 months, GO ME!!!! I'm working my program diligently but it's really eating at me that it's not honest because of the pills. Alcohol caused so much turmoil in my life and the pills never seemed to so I've justified it but I'm honestly DONE and ready to be TRULY sober. So I'm sick and tired of these pills and they honestly don't even give me the high anymore. I spend over $600 a month and go through mood swings and anxiety between my "refills" because I'm usually running low. No one knows I take them, except the person that sells them to me, and I'd like to keep it that way. I am down to 15 pills and was wondering if that's too few to taper off. I've cut them in half to try to figure my own tapering and have been on several sights to read ways to do so, and also get other suggestions on how to help with withdrawals, ie, lots of water, Immodium. So my question is, should I go see my dr or do I have enough to taper on my own? I REALLY am serious about this. I have gotten off these 3 years ago and cold turkey IS NOT the way I want to go. I'm so ashamed and mad at myself for ever starting on them again. I'm tired of feeling the guilt and want to feel as good drug free as I feel alcohol free. PLEASE HELP!!!!