Hi my name is Ruth. Contracted hepc in 1980 and didn't find out I had it until 1998. I developed peripheral neuropathy having symptoms of pins and needles in feet, legs, arms and hands. A lot of problems with my memory and I just read having difficulty finding words. That one is good to know as I thought I was losing it. I'm presently on 2400 mg of gabapentin, 90 mg of Cymbalta and 10 mg x 3 daily of Dexedrine to help me focus and think clearer. My question is: is there any other treatment I could suggest to my doctor that I could try that could improve my pain and discomfort? I am now 71. There are two other drugs that are very expensive and not covered under my Blue Cross. They are pregabalin and lyrica. I feel so alone with this disability as its invisible to everyone else. For years the neurologist thought I was nuts and after so many years trying to find answers, I truly believed I was nuts. As I said, I'd like to be able to make some suggestions to my doctor. My condition is very complicated as I also have spinal stenosis. Thank you for listening and taking the time to read my story.