Hi, recently I got a flu this sept 19(saturday) including a heavy headache and 1x vomit. then i recovered from it on monday. After that, i started to feel a sharp pain on my upper middle abdomen and i also have a mild diarrhea. The pain happens just sudden for a short time and as days passed its attack decrease its number. And my period is also delay, i should have it by sept 20 or a few days but now sept 27 i still have no period. And this sept 27 i got itchy hives all over my body. And also about my period, i have no symptoms of nausea, heavy feeling on my breast, urinating frequently, backache, craving etc. just delayed period.. I had not have sex either, only my bf masturbated me first just above outside(no fingering and no insertion), before he cum by Aug 21 and sept 6.I also lose 6lbs after the flu and I lost my apetite too, I feel like i'm always full. I am wondering if the flu had something to do with this? Or i may be pregnant? I have also an allergic rhinitis. Thank you.