Hi recently I was at my "newer" pain Dr and he changed my meds around near Christmas time. At the time of my visit, I even warned them that I was going to be getting gallbladder surgery soon. Shortly after I started new. Meds I realized that meds were not too effective, so I called for assistance. Their recommendation was for me to take ibuprofen for breakthrough pain, which 1) would not have been enough to cover my type of pain 2) I don't think it was even indicated in my case since I told them I was getting surgery. Plus there was never any questions as to how I was feeling w new meds, type of pain I was having, etc! Is this the typical way new meds are handled? Also, I had to continue to call the practice, they never called me back to advise me as to what to do w my med regime once I started to have questions ( and I have been be pain drs forb17 years prior til he moved and never called office except emerg) Your thoughts? Thanks.