Hi, recently (over one month ago) I scraped my left lower leg while stepping over and falling on tree branches. The scrapped area ran from the upper to lower region but is now not noticeable. Since then, I have had swelling in my foot, ankle and lower leg and the skin is sensitive to the touch, painful and red. I have been putting a stretch ace bandage on the entire area as well as wearing a compression knee high stocking. The swelling is not as bad as it was but it has been over a month and I still feel the swelling in my foot and calf. When I touch my leg it is still sensitive as well as red. I have had problems with varicose veins especially with this leg and have had it treated with injections by a doctor 7 years ago. Since that time I have had little issues except for some swelling after a long day on my feet as a teacher. I should mention that the inside lower leg area seems like it has been reddish and the skin/muscle has been stiff when pressed for a very long time. My right leg has the beginnings of the same reddish look at the lower inside area near the upper ankle but is not stiff when pressed. I have been rotating my foot/ankle to help stretch the foot and this seems to keep the area more limber but I feel the stiffness from the swelling.
What should I do to treat the leg, ankle and foot area.