Hi, so my left testicle has been acting very strangely, I few days ago it started feeling uncomfortable, not painful just uncomfortable, and the epididymes started to swell a little, and just the other day the epididymes started to kind of burn a little, it didn't hurt very much or that often, but during the day it would just start stinging for like 5 to 10 minutes at a time, and today I noticed it the testicle wasnt really decending much and the burn was lasting longer, along with sometimes the testicle feels a little numb, but then I get feeling back pretty soon after, along with the testicle itself being a little squishy. I've had testicular torsion before and this feels nothing like that did, there's no extreme pain, no real swelling anywhere besides my epididymes, and I haven't felt nauseous either, is it possible I had torsion again without any of the symptoms, and does it seem like my testicle is dead?