Hi, sorry to waste ur time but I have this problem regarding reality, i um I I have trouble recognizing if I'm awake or not, I hear voices in my head and I hallucinate alot, I usually have to ask more than person if they are seeing or hearing or smelling what I am, I don't sleep much and those 2-3 hours of sleep are filled with nightmares, I have to count my fingers about 20 times a day just to make sure I'm awake, I see people watching me, someone's out to get me I know it, I never feel safe, I just feel so stuck and I have these blackouts where I'm stuck in my head for hours totally disconnected from the world, I self harm by cutting, I've tried committing suicide 4 times, the voices tell me to do stuff I really don't wanna do, I'm really scared and I don't know what to do, do u know what's wrong with me