Hi there,
I am a 39year old female & a year ago I had back surgery (fusion, lamendectomy, L5-S1) and since my surgery I have had leg pain that will not go away. My surgeon or any other doctor doesn't really know what it is. I have knots in both of my legs, the knots are in the back of my thighs, back of knees, and calfs. The pain is a dull & constantly ache. I have done PT & still do stretches everyday. Some days it hurts to bear weight on my legs and difficult to walk. When I try to stretch out my legs its like they get stuck and everything just pulls from the back of my thighs all the way down to my ankle. I do have arthritis in my knees & right hip which I feel that pain in my knees but the pain I'm more concerned with is the constant leg pain that no matter what I do it won't go away. I constantly have to stretch out my legs all through out the day and it helps a little with the pain but there are some days that not even stretching works. Before my surgery my right leg was my bad leg & my siatica is always inflammed but now since my surgery the pain is in both of my legs. I do also have a bump in the middle of my back where the surgery sight is that always feels like a ball of pressure & gets inflammed. The PT therapist said I have scar tissue which I've been trying for a year now to stretch this all out and no one can give me a direct answer to what is the underlying problem without just giving me another pill to take and I do not want to take pills. Hopefully you can help. Thank you. Krisha