Hi there. I have a question about my ankle. When I was at school, I was messing around in the changing rooms one day after P.E. (attempting to do a cossack dance - don't ask) when I went over on my ankle. I heard a loud crack and experienced instant severe pain. When I tried to limp to the nurse's room I passed out in the corridor. I could just walk but it was incredibly painful and I could put next-to-no weight on my ankle.
My mother collected me from school and took me to my G.P. to have it looked at. My ankle was swollen, really badly on the outside (a lump), and on the instep was a long black bruise. My G.P. said it was just a sprain and sent me home with a support bandage. I remember it being a good while before I could really walk again.
Fast forward 20 years and I still get pain in my ankle if I step the wrong way and it feels weak. I recently had to walk through an uneven field and it bothered my ankle a lot. It bothered me again last night. So (please forgive the long preamble!) I was wondering if a) it was likely more than a sprain when I did it (the crack was really loud and I was quite annoyed my G.P. didn't even suggest an x-ray), and b) if so, is it worth investigating now? It was 20 years ago and it isn't causing me a great deal of suffering, but I'd rather my ankle didn't feel so weak. Thank you lots in advance!