Hi there , all of a sudden I experience really painful chest and lung and upper back pain basically my whole rib cage up to my shoulders and neck it happens maybe ten times a day and I can't breathe and experience tingling overwhelming feeling over my body , I cannot sleep on my back or sides I am basically trying to sleep sitting up I only fall asleep after exhaustion , I had a blood test to check for a blood clot in my leg I have a blocked vein that starts in my inner thigh and goes down to my calf muscle the hospital didn't feel the need to do any other tests after a blood test and sent me home , my leg hurts when I can't breathe and experience the chest and lung pain it's sharp , I have been taken codiene up until two days ago and now taken asprin I also have aches in my arms more my right than my left , I am using heat for relief could this been my neck or back causing all this because I do feel a lot of pain in my back and my neck is stiff I am 33years old I weigh 82kgs and am 5ft6 in height ? The doctors in New Zealand don't listen to what I am trying to tell them I am waiting for another appointment but they put it down to stress and anxiety , I am not having anxiety attacks this is physical pain and physical symptoms and I try to relax as much as possible when I can't breathe but seems to make it worse when I try to deep breathe