Hi there, me and my partner of 1 year recently got diagnosed with Chlamydia. He gave it to me from a previous "thing" before we were together so it's been in my system a while. The reason I found out is because we'd been trying for a baby but to no avail, and I started suffering from dull aches in my stomach and back and eventually queried PID when it was daily. So I got a swab with my smear test and voila, Chlamydia. He has completed his 7 days of antibiotic, he only took 2 antibiotics for the week. I have however been put on a 14 day course of Doxycycline and Metronidazole and end the course in 5 days time. I have horrible side effects, nausea and all bad thrush. MY QUESTIONS HOWEVER, is, when we will be able to start trying to conceive again, or if sex if off the cards for few more weeks? We haven't been intimate since before we found out about our results, obviously. So yes, I would love to know when it's safe to have sex again?
Thank you,