Hi...My Mom is 95,has mild to moderate dementia after having open heart surgery 4 years ago, in last year was experiencing night hallucinations and serotonin syndrome,so sleep was very difficult,her PCP perscribed Quetiapine (Seroquel) since then she’s become very unsteady on her feet,has dizziness and sometimes experiences shallow breathing and anxiety,however she also takes metropolol,losartan,potassium,atorvastin and furosemide...for congestive heart failure,she fell and broke her arm,humerus head,Orto perscribed hydrocodone,she did not sleep since discharge,reading discharge papers noticed,hydrocodone or acetaminophen can cause or amplify serotonin syndrome,Question is what can be safely given to patient for sleep ease or can she still take Seroquel which they told us to discontinue, and what else can patient take for surgery pain.
Thank you