I ended up at a strip club for a lap dance a week ago. During which the stripper allowed me to stimulate and finger her for several minutes. She used her hand to reposition mine so I m not sure if any of her fluids were transferred to hers. After a few minutes she unzipped my pants reached in and proceeded to give me a hand job I believe with the same hand that possibly could have had her vagina fluids on it. After a few minutes she moved my penis under her to suggest intercourse but told me she would need to get a condom. I ended the activity at this point. Questions, can STD s specifically Herpes be transmitted by hand? Second, IF my penis ended up touch her vagina even though it was for less than 5-seconds what are the chances a virus could have been passed? My mind of course is focused on any and all activity down below. One minute I think I feel something going on, itch or tingling, the next nothing. So far no burning, sores or blisters. I m driving myself nuts, please advise, thanks!