Hiii, I am 28 years male from India. Within the last 40 days, I have had two sexual encounters with CSWs. First one on Feb 28th and the second one on March 14th. Both were protected. The CSWs insisted on using two condoms while I said one was sufficient as I feared it might cause rubbing and break. Anyways, I went ahead with sexual intercourse. I am pretty sure that condoms did not break in the second instance. Not so sure about the first one as it was very dark and I was very nervous. The last 10 days, I am having diarrhea. Also, there is a small white bump on the left side of my scrotum sack which appeared around a week back. No other symptoms such as lymph node, fever, sore throat, cough, cold or night sweats. Wanted your advice on what tests to take and what is the window period for those tests. Also, please let me know if I am at risk as my GF is suspicious as I have been avoiding sex for the last one month. Appreciate your reply in this regard. Thanks in advance.