I have had burning and stinging sensations in the lymph nodes and corresponding vessels throughout my body (mostly in inguinal/iliacal region as well as my penis,and testicles) my lymph nodes swell at different times but do not remain swollen and are often accompanied by itching skin over affected nodes. My spleen has been so tender that I cannot lay on my stomach if anything under me hits the underside of left rib cage. I have had a pair of lymph nodes under my chin so swollen and painfull that I had trouble shaving. These symptoms have spread to my buttocks as well as my armpits and the pain is alternating and different lymph areas are affected at various times. Sometimes it feels as though a spiny-back worm is crawling through my lymph vessels in my groin area. At times I have had an accompanying feeling of lethargy which can last all day. I have NOT had nightsweats or fever. But when I do feel feverish I consistently have a low body temp even as low as 96.5. I have been to urologists,hematologists,had a pelvic MRI a CT scan of torso/pelvis and numerous cursory blood and standard urine analysis. But no one seems to find anything. I am by the way 100% sure that this is lymph nodes and lymph vessels that are burning and stinging and giving me a sensation at times like a comb is being pressed against my skin teeth first from inside me in direct line with lymph vessel pathways. I cannot understand why there is no accompanying adema and why the pains alternate so frequently. The only place that it is constant is in my inguinal area,iliacal region,penis,testicles and often the inner thigh. I am so tired of doctors asking me (as if I'm an idiot) "How do you know it's your lymph nodes and vessels?"