Pain Management Questions & Answers

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2 1 Mon, 4 Mar 2024
I m a 54 year old lady that is a paraplegic T4 of 22 years and I m in chronic pain everyday; but my doctor of pain management has me on Methadone, three a day; and I go to the emergency room on yesterday to find out how me taking the methadone has messed up my system, I have blockage in my...
2 1 Fri, 1 Mar 2024
Hello, I have been on pain management programs since my mid twentys, I am 68 yrs old. Recently my hospital has stopped its pain management and I am having trouble finding a new clinic. It seems the only people who have no voice in this opioid problem are the people suffering in pain. HELP !! I...
2 1 Fri, 2 Feb 2024
80, Gender: Male My father is a prostate cancer patient with multiple bone mets.He had orchidectomy in july 2021, then he was on abiraterone 500 mg on every alternate day.He had good response with it.Then currently he stopped responding to it.The doctor asked him to take enzalutamide 40mg per...
2 1 Wed, 27 Dec 2023
I’m taking care of a family member in final stages of cancer. Her pain has increased. Her hospice dr increased her morphine 30 mg to 3 q 12 hrs with 2 tabs in between doses. She also takes liquid morphine 0.5-1 ml q 2 hrs prn. She also has lorazepam to take prn anxiety. I would just like a 2nd...
5 1 Mon, 28 Feb 2022
I have a lot of muscle pain throughout the body. There are no other systems. It feels as if I pulled every muscle in my body. There are times when some of the muscles are burning. There is also some weakness to my strength. This can on sudden. I have not working out or done any heavy lifting,...
6 1 Mon, 28 Feb 2022
I set almost a hour on a Iron bench, 6 weeks ago. Just finished 6 days of Methylprednisolone, been to M.D. had usrine test, fine, gave me a shot of cordizone in the rear, didn t help. Went to Ortho Dr. had blood work, all was good...the pain is now on sides, shoulder s. I can t set for...
6 1 Mon, 28 Feb 2022
I m a 51 year old female. I ve been in pain since before Oct. of 2013. The pain is mostly in my feet and legs. Sometimes in my hands and neck. I ve had X-rays, nerve conduction test, MRI of head, neck and back. Nothing showed in head and neck. Back showed L4 L5 S1 buldging with two vertebrae...
6 1 Fri, 25 Feb 2022
I have been suffering from Peroneal Tendonitis in my left ankle/heel for about 6 months now. I do not know how it occurred. I visited my family doctor who arranged for scans to be undertaken and after looking through the scan results suggested I use Ibuprofen and Ice packs on my ankle to...
5 1 Fri, 25 Feb 2022
Hi my Dad had hip surgery - totally healed and now is suffering from a pain in his groin area. Physical therapist says he can no longer help - he has helped with balance and strength and is referring him to pain management as the pain is inhibiting his ability to walk (along with some arthritis)....
7 1 Fri, 25 Feb 2022
I have severe throbbing in my right groin area and in the last few days i feel throbbing in my left groin but not as severe. I have lower back pain and pain or throbbing in my right and left buttock . In 2008 I had some epidural injections at a pain management clinic. These injections did not...
10 1 Fri, 18 Feb 2022
ive had a severe pain down my spine and right under my shoulder blade and my blood preassure has been really low for about a month and a half ive had these symptoms and their not getting an better? they just seem to be getting worse, I cant sleep my appetite has been very poor because im so...
13 1 Sat, 2 Jan 2021
Tired of being a guinea pig; have shingles in my head, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis and probably borderline personality disorder with mood disorders. I was on Xanax for 25 years and it was taken away due to lack of insurance. My mother was on Librium and Valium and her mother was briefly...
5 1 Wed, 30 Dec 2020
There is a lot of pain on my butt crack near my tailbone I cant sit, bend over or even walk without it hurting so bad ... I cant touch or put pressure on the area it feels swollen a little and really irritated...what is it? should I go to the emergency room?
5 1 Wed, 30 Dec 2020
Hi. I am 55 and female. 10 weeks ago I tripped and fell across a work top in the kitchen. It was believed I had broken ribs. The pain was immense and although I am back at work, I am still experiencing discomfort, especially at night, lying down and on sneezing etc. Is this normal?
6 1 Thu, 24 Dec 2020
my mother is 61 and she is diabetic and having hypertension. Both are normal with medication. Presently she is suffering with severe leg pains and it is more panic in the nights. Hb was low and now its 11, still there is no change and without pain killers she is not being to manage for a day...
5 1 Thu, 24 Dec 2020
I have a pain in the center of my chest, mostly to the left but sometimes to the right, especially when I lie down. I went to emergency room and had stress test and ekg and they were negative, nothing wrong in heart or lungs, but it is still persistent. Not bad enough to take a pain pill all the...
5 1 Thu, 24 Dec 2020
I am taking carafate 1gm 1t;po;bid and pepcid 20mg same dosing instructions. I stopped taking phenergan i am so tired and weak also moody insomnia with severe body pain. An hour after i take carafate im out for 3 hours then up in pain. Is this normal?
5 1 Thu, 24 Dec 2020
I have been feeling pain through out my whole body since I was fourteen now I m eighteen and still feeling the pain. It started with headaches then pain in my shoulders then moved to my back and neck; then proceeded to my knees and feet. Now when people just touch me it hurts like say someone...
7 1 Tue, 22 Dec 2020
OK! I am a 74 year old person who has had 2 invasive back surgeries. They put a titanium cage, with rods and screws in August of 2005, then again a surgery to fix a part on the right side. This was in August, 2007. I have had this chronic pain for 10 years, and everything tried, such as...
5 1 Tue, 15 Dec 2020
I havde a severe pain on my right side going round to m y back.Difficulty in getting up from a chair, I have to hold my stomach to ease the pain.GP thinks it is stomach cramp, but I think it is not as it is constantly painful - more internal than external