Hey, yesterday while shaving my genital area, I noticed a red bump. It was tough, all red (no white top), and slightly itchy but I just assumed it was a spider bite or something. As the night progressed, it became slightly more itchy and I still scratched it. Well in a great escalation, my penis was extremely swollen and itchy when I woke up this morning. I had also masturbated two times the day before and had a girl tease me pretty roughly with pants on still. There is no pain with urination and I had morning wood when I woke up so I was not concerned with an STD. I haven t had sex in about 3 weeks but I know she was clean. I have been taking ibuprofen all day and the sweeping has mostly subsided other than around the bump is still descently swollen. It s night now and everything has become more itchy but no increase in swelling. What the heck is wrong with me!