I recently had a microdiscectomy on my L4-L5, due to pain in my leg and lower back. Shortly after my surgery I developed a staph infection at my incision site. I was put on numerous antibotics to no avail. The infetion got worse and I was admitted to the hospital, I had a surgery to clean out the infection at the incision site. I was put on IV antibotics for 2 weeks (vanco and Daptomycin) through a PICC line. A week after the PICC line was removed the infection came back, I got sick and had to have another surgery to clean out the incision. They are giving me the same antibotics for the same amount of time. My fear is that the infetion will come back, or that something else is causing this. Also the pain in my back and leg is back. How common is it for a superficial staph infection to return so quickly? Also is there any other ways to deal with pain? Percocet or vicodin does nothing, I do not want to be in pain all the time.