I got a MMR vaccine shot (required for a job application) and read the possible side effects. One of the more common (but none of them are too common) side effects is swollen neck glands. If they occur it is supposed to be a week or more after shot. I woke up next day with sore neck. It s now been 3 days and my neck is extremely painful, can not turn my head, difficult to sleep, feels like my nodes are throbbing at times, and i am having difficulty swallowing and minor night sweats. The swallowing thing seems to not be because of sore throat but because swallowing uses muscles in my neck (i feel the pain starting below each ear and going around to base of back of my head). I called the occupational health place to ask about this, and they said call my primary. I do not have a primary or insurance (working on that)... What do you think, could this just be a harmless side effect that will go away soon?