After 8 months of being being in a sexual relationship with my boyfriend, he started getting a rash on his testicles or penis with in hours to a day after we have had sex. This has been for the last couple of months each time. They scab after. (We are both 35 years old)I have been tested and have never had any symptoms of herpes ever. But it only happens right after we sleep together. I guess his doctor said it could be an allergic reaction to me. But how would it happen out of the blue like this. I've never had this happen before with anyone. Nor has he. Its caused a lot of problems in our relationship. Mostly because of how we don't sleep together out of fear of this and because I am ashamed, although we should not be. we have had some very hurtful fights. I've told him to try to wash well after which he said he did once the last time and it still happened. I have mentioned a topical or oral antihistamine but he doesn't want to. Clearly we have other relationship issues but I am perplexed about this all. How can this happen each time, what could cause it, what can be done to prevent it or stop it, what could I do? I do have HS in my upper thighs but that is not contagious. I have neurological problems, symptomatic pineal cyst and have been going in circles with doctors for years to get proper treatment. When I have flare ups its painful, I cant walk well, dizzy, brain zaps and all sorts of those symptoms but the only thing I can think of that could be my body's PH levels getting messed up from the stress of it or something? But I have never had this happen with anyone else. I also have endometriosis and and mirena IUD to treat it, that is due to be replaced. Any info or feedback would be amazing.Thank you in advanced.