I am 16 years old and on October 3rd I had unprotected Sex and sad to say, he did ejaculate in me. I had this app on my phone that i keep tracks of my periods on . I saw that it also keeps track of days that i ovulated but i never payed any attention to it . A week later I was throwing up 2 nights in a row. On October 20th my mom took me to an Ob/gyn and they did a test & it said that i wasnt pregnant . I also was I guess " spotting " or having my period but it was real light & not heavy how it use to be. They took a blood test & on October 22nd it came back negative & said that I had Chlamydia but in September I went for a check up to see if I had any STDs because my Mom found out I was sexually active & everything was negative so I was confused. Back to October 22nd , I went into see the on/gyn again & they treated me for Chlamydia & gave me a Depo shot. I didn't agree to it, I was forced & 15 at the time. For a while now I have been sleepy, feeling sick, very gassy, having frequent headaches, sore & tender breasts & I guess around " 18 weeks " ( some where in January ) i started feeling fluttering , tingling & like my stomach was stretching .. I looked my symptoms up & they were Round ligament pain & Quickening that should happen between weeks 18-20 . It keeps me up at night until about 1 to 2 . I have been eating more, sleeping more, and feeling these tingles in my legs & I looked that up to & it said something about " Restless leg " . I have frequent headaches & I think that if I lay on my back & press below my belly button I can feel something hard that I never felt before. I should be about 19 weeks as the apps tells me. I remember one day I was in Walmart with my mom & something in my stomach got real tight & let go & it did it 3-4 times. It did hurt. Then now sometimes I can literally see my heart beat in my stomach. I never seen that before & my body temperature is higher than usual. I am an anemic so I have always been cold all the time & now my body is warm. I need answers. My body pretty much tells me I am pregnant and I took a pregnancy test January 24 , it said positive but went to the same ob/gyn office on January 26 to get the depo shot & show them the test their test said negative . Since I have been on depo I haven't really had a full period. They are REALLY Light. Not even enough to feel up half of a pad. I see NO tissue & sometimes the blood looks really old. I really need help.