I am 17 year old female. I am sexual activity with my boyfriend of a year and half. I have never been regular with my period. I have the nexplanon.My boyfriend and I dont use condoms. My last period was January 23-29 and I noticed i am bleeding today. The last time we had sex was yesterday. Before that we had sex everyday from January 18-21 then again on the 23, 28th, 29th of January and the 4th of February was the last time. We ususaly dont have that much sex in that length of a period time but we were having family issues. We use it as a stress release. After we have sex im a little sore sometimes just a little swollen down there. Its not rough. He doesnt pull out. In December, my period was December 19-23 and i started bleeding again on the 27th- 29th. I have no period symptoms that i had last month. no back pain or stomach cramps, i have been a little more hormonal than normal the last few days, but i think thats from lack of sleep.I could be wrong. i have had headaches little more than i usually do. the headaches last for a couple hours before i break down and take some medicine. i have had a headache every day for a week now..sometimes more than once a day. I always was diagnosed with BV back in November and i was treated for it. I have slight cramping in my lower left side right now. i have a history of small ovarian cyst. Can you please tell me what this means? whats the bleeding from? Ovulation bleeding, period, implantation or something else?