I am 19, female and married.
I have been extremely tired lately (like, by 1pm I'm having a hard time focusing and ready for a nap. Usually I can push through if I'm tired during the day but lately it's brutal), I have had a headache almost every morning for a few days now and one day it was pretty bad and lasted for half the day, I threw up that same morning but didn't feel sick... I've never thrown up without being sick in my life.
I have also had strange sharp but not too intense pain in my lower abdomen and the sides of my stomach. Today I have also noticed that the top of my scalp feels kind of numb... If I scratch it, it goes away for a bit but returns after a few seconds.
My period started 2 1/2 weeks ago and lasted 4 days and spotted for 1 day. Is it possible that I'm pregnant and already feeling the symptoms or is there another issue I should be worried about?