I am 30 years old. Not much for past medical history, tubal ligation in 2012, D&C 2010, G4 P2 and gallstones in 2012-2014 which required no intervention. My father passed of Multiple Myeloma in 2011. Diabetes is very prevalent but so far I've managed to keep that at bay (I get my blood work done AT LEAST once a year but typically twice a year) I have most recently been experiencing frequent headaches (mild), nausea, fatigue (this has been chronic), bruising of my legs and unexplainable at times, sweats. My most recent blood work shows slight elevation in - C Reactive protein, ESR, rbc folate and Alk phos. The Alk Phos is a chronically elevated level since 2008 (it varies from being up by 4 to 20 of range). My ESR has been checked before in the past (2013 I think) and it was elevated as well. These elevations are by no means DOUBLE what they should be...but still show as elevated on labs. I've most recently been told I have mild splenomegaly, but mono came back negative, rheumatoid factor negative and no wbc's. Sugars are normal, HbA1C is normal, rest of the liver enzymes are with in norms as well as kidney function tests....What can I be looking at? What else should be tested???? What is GOING ON WITH ME!?