I am 37 years old. I took a pregnancy test yesterday and it was positive. According to my last period I am 5 weeks pregnant. I take the following medications. Each day I take 900 milligrams of lithium, 400 milligrams of lamictal, + .25 milligrams of xanax. I am extremely worried, anxious, and freaking out about damage that has already been done. I am scheduled to have an abortion a week from tomorrow. I would not be so quick to have the abortion if it wasn't in my mind the damage that has been done. In regards to lithium and pregnancy I have read that patient have had babies with spina bifida, heart malformations and other complications. I would feel horrible and so selfish if I were to decide to keep my pregnancy. I just saw my psychiatrist and she said to go off my medication until I know for sure what I'm going to do. How much damage have I done already to this embryo?