I am 40 years old, and have a 6 year old daughter. While I had been irregular for most of my life and had several ovarian cysts, this had been controlled by BCPs. Ever since I had my daughter, my periods have become more and more irregular. I have not been on the pill for more than a year now. Every other month my period doesn't come for close to 45 or 50 days, with a painful, heavy period that follows, and the alternate month my period comes within 30 days and just comes and goes like clockwork. However, I haven't had a period since November of 2016, and in the last two weeks I have had light spotting, like a pink discharge, for two weeks with cramping, etc like PMS. I just started the pill again about 5 days ago, and while the spotting stopped at first, it is back and heavier like a lighter period. Not a lot of darker red blood, but some, with some small clots. Is this a normal occurrence in general with my age and starting the pill again? Thank you!!