I am 45, only one left ovary, got the right ovary removed when I was 28 along with right tube, appendice, end of intestin because of an unknown infection. My right abdomen was filled with pus. This was about 9 months after delivering my 1st child.
I had 2 other children after that and had a regular period of 21 days average for years. I got sick with parvovirus B19 after my daughters caught fith disease in July 2004. Never been myself since then. Self diagnosed myself with Hashimoto's at that time, but stopped pursuing what what wrong with me when the rheumatologist diagnosed me with Parvo B19 and said to just eat more foods with iron. (I was anemic along with a positive ANA)
In 2012, after being really sick and barely able to function, an internal doctor finally saw and diagnosed me with Hashimoto's and upon studying my blood work all the way back to 2004, said I had Hashimoto's back then. Since 2012, I have been on Levothyroxine 88mg and currently 100mg. 5mg lisinopril for high blood pressure, 20mg Atorvastatin for cholesterol, 150mg sertraline for anxiety, panic attacks and depression. I also take iron, B-12 and vitamin D because of blood work showing those to be extremely low (goes with Hashi)
My periods have been acting up since october 2015 and I have been experiencing pelvic and low back pain, extreme tiredness, my chest tightening at times, almost feels like a seizure, just a very weird feeling (got an eeg done which was normal), have an occasional daily cough (no cold or allergies going on) fainted on several occasions during excercise (had an ekg done which was normal).
Finally saw a practical family doctor who specializes in menopause for my bleeding and low abdomen and back pains and tiredness.
My FSH was 7.7 in march 2013, 34.5 in April 2016. She says I am post-menopausal. Did an US Pelvis CP W Transvaginal may 13 2016.
My uterus seems to still be enlarged (was in 2014) and currently measures 10.5 cm in lenght, 4.9 x 5.5 cm in transverse. Endometrium is 13mm, myometrium is heterogeneous. Left ovary is 4.4 x 2.6 x 2.4cm with a few small cystic areas, the largest measuring 2.9 x 2.4 x 2.4 cm.
Am I truly in menopause? I did have many night sweats all during 2015, that soaked my pjs and bedding and mattress! Because of hashi, I've always bein cold, but not anymore since mid 2015. I thought it was my Levothyroxine finally working. Now, hot flashes make also sense... I do feel them and still experience them, as well as occasional night sweats. Because of being suicidal for the 2nd time in jan 2015, i got put on Abilify. Whitin a month 1/2, i put on 30lbs. My abdomen is bloatted. Was a little before abilify, got worse after, but now I'm not sure it was because of Abilify. I'm wondering if it was because I was going from pre-menopause to menopause to post-menopause? I am now quite certain I went through menopause in 2015. But if yes, does that mean I most likely have cancer?
Got a biopsy of the endometrium 2 days ago. Sample looked like a long earthworm, a nice red, with a very dark, rounded piece of flesh (?) at one end. After the doctor removed the equipment to get the sample, a chunk of flesh was on her utensil so she sent it of for examination along the endometrium sample she was going for. The piece of flesh had some yellowish parts, some light brown, was not smooth but rather looked wavy. A few hours after the biopsy, I passed a large clot that was dark red with a bit of mucus like clear/yellowish texture. Looked like a piece of liver to me.
My question again is, does it sound like I am truly in post- menopause, and if yes, then does that mean my chances of having endometrium cancer very high?
I don't get results for 2 weeks... Hard to just wait.