I am 46 year old female and a smoker for over 30 years(pack of 20 a day) I am about 5 kilos overweight and not real active. I had a chest xray because had chest infection and showed I have an enlarged heart transverse and quite large volume lungs. I had ECG and Spiro test down and they are normal, BP normal. I have been short of breath and fatigued but that was put down to Anaemia. I had surgery 4 weeks ago to remove a Uterine Fibroid that has caused severe Anaemia for over 12 months, I was menstruating every 2 weeks for 10 ( 8 of those really heavy) I have also had overactive thyroid which Doctor put down to hormones and wasn't treated with any drugs. My Doctor doesn't seem to be worried but I am, I have cut down to 5 smokes a day and hoping that will become 0 soon, I follow a low fat diet, don't eat take-aways and include lots of green leafy vegetables in my diet. I do drink a lot of coffee. Do you think that I should get another opinion. I have been feeling unwell for almost 2 years so I'm worried that there has been permanent damage done to my heart and that I could possibly die from this