I am 5 weeks post aortic valve replacement, with thoracic aneurysm repair. I have swollen submandibular lymph nodes, they are tender to the touch. Have run a low grade fever off and on since surgery. 99.0 to 100.3. Have very painful body aches like I have the flu but no other flu symptons. I went to the ER and they did blood tests. No indication of infection. I am currently on a trial of augmentin, but the symptoms persist. The body aches are a 10 on the pain scale. Even worse than the pain from my incision. I have tried, ibuprofen, tylenol, vicodin and percocet with little relief from the muscle pain. Is there any possibility that my body is having a reaction to the pig valve or the material used to repair the aneurysm or the wires used to close my chest. I am very sensitive to many chemicals, perfumes, and things like memory foam etc. Thank you.