I am 51 yrs old male, 5'8", down to 156lbs (previously 175 about a year ago). Have tested positive for Crohns disease on the Prometheus test. The GI doctor that did the test I am no longer seeing for different reasons. I now cannot get in to see any GI doctors in my area. My family doctor has tried and tried with no luck to refer me to a GI, but they will not see me since I have already seen another GI. Anyway, my problem started 8 days ago. I have started having bowel movements on the scale of maybe 2 to 3 per hour, 24 hours a day. The colors of the stool have varied from dark black, to yellow, to dark (olive) green. I have changed my diet trying to figure if that is the cause. The only thing that slows it down is not eating. Took 2 days of not eating to slow down to one bowel movement every 2 or 3 hours. I am constantly tired now, I am sure I am dehydrated, as I have dry mouth and thirsty constantly. I am drinking as much water and liquids as I can hold down. There is also blood in my stool some of the times, not all of the time. It is wearing me down. I have not been officially diagnosed with Crohns. Does this sound like something Crohns would do to me, and if so, how much longer with this spell of constant bowel movements last? Not sure what to do next. Thanks