I am 52 years old man, was 275 # 6'-3" when I had knee injury in June of 2014. Urgent care diagnosed Xray to be broken Tibia. Ortho ruled that out and diagnosed Completely Torn ACL, (and during surgery, found) 2 tears in meniscus. The Doctors postponed surgery for 3 long months all the while - I drove 100 miles RT to work each day. The surgery and subsequent PT gave me functionality back, but I have severe pain almost always. I subsequently was diagnosed with Arthritis in the knee. My Ortho prescribed Norco 10/325 for a couple months, then my PC Dr did too, in CA or maybe just Anthem BC requires a Pain Mgt Clinic thereafter. I've been going to PM ever since. To function, I must take Norco 10/325 4-6 times a day (not when driving) the pain puts me in tears frequently. To get my Rx filled is a chore, no pharmacy keeps it in stock and often there is a 10 day wait. I feel these new Laws that are trying to cut down on Drug Mills and Illicit use are severely hindering those who legitimately have severe chronic pain - from getting relief, and any quality of life they once had. I'm constantly preoccupied on whether I'll have enough meds to calm my pain and allow me to be a good husband, and a viable worker. Something has to be done to take out the redtape to treat patients such as myself... I know I am not an isolated story, as my brother has to go through a similar ordeal with both knee injuries and shoulder tendon/ligament damage. He and I try to help cover for when one of us run out of meds. I have a doctor friend that suggested injections in my knee. I discussed that with my doctor and he said he can request that only after rigorous documentation of the various meds and steroid shots that haven't worked as alternatives to Norco. I don't want to be on Norco forever for sure, I go through horrible withdrawals and pain associated to my knee when I run out. I walk more, lost 20 #'s and know more weight loss will help. I just feel so victimized and perceived as some kind of drug fiend when I'm in pain and desperately need relief.