I am 53 yo female in good health. First day of vacation today in Florida. Felt fine all day despite getting up at 4:30 am for flight. Checked in, went to exercise, 30 min elliptical and some arm and leg weights. Was feeling and expelling gas more so than usual. Lower intestine rumbling during the flight. Ate dinner, did catch up on my fluids, water wit lemon. Had done some swimming earlier in the day too. Past three hours, I have to urinate every 30 minutes. Also feel like Imneed to move my bowels but have already done so today. Last time urinating therebwerensomemspecks of blood in the urine. All this can on within a few hours. Was fine prior. No fever, no back pain. Have a four day conference starting tomorrow and I am worried about whatever is goin on? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Sue