I am 66 male with normal good health, non-diabitics, controlled B.P. with Amlong-2.5 or 5. Lead active life, do not smoke , non-alcoholic, (5'-9" weight 73 Kgs,)Take regular morning walk and moderate excercise. Take vegetarian regular good diet. For sleep I take Alprex (Alprazolam)2.5mg daily for the last 15 years. Still sometime cannot have good sleep.
My problem- I have burning sensation under my feet a sort of tingling and prickliy which gets reduced after soaking the feet in water. Sometime I am not able to sleep due to this problem ( this problem is for the last 7-8 years) . With Doctor's(Neurologist) advice, I frequently take Cap. Gabamax -Gold ( Mecobalamin 750mg +Pregabalin75mg+vitB61.5mg) which give now little relief . Kindly give your valued advice. Is it Neoropathy ? What Precautions/ medicine should I take ? Thanks. R R Sharma (0000) e.mail rrsharmasbi9gmail.com