I am 76 years old was diagnosed with parkinsons disease in 2000...Diagnosis changed to shy drager or parkinsons plus by my neurologist and cardiologist around 3 years ago. . I do not have the typical PD tremors, but instead have frequent seizure-like spasm attacks with entire body trembling and various body parts spasming profusely, extremely short of breath.. having to gasp for air and extremely dry mouth and throat ( tongue glues itself to back of teeth at night).. have coughing , big problem with short term memory ( have to remind self what day of week it is,) have to set timer or tend to forget meds, continual problem with yo-yo blood pressure fuctations... typically around 100 for fist nmber, then a low in the 50's and dizzy. Fluctuates during day from high normal to low dangerous, taking SinemetCR 50/200 every 4 hours during waking hours, (4 × daily), 5 mg Busperone antianxiety 2x daily, morning and evening .. take one at 6 a.m. and one at 6 p.m. Hasnt seemed to doing much besides. Taking it for anxiety.. stil have anxiety episodes when body and heart go into flutter or pounding rapid beat, causes extreme breathlessness and shivvering, have nigh sweats mide, my dexerity and ooordinztion quit during these episodes, speech regresses from near normal for age tosounding like I ave dhas strkr slurred speech and drooling, nasal drip, urinary retention with rena noctura, constiion sbject to fals,, broke hip and fell 3 years ago.. had defective repair..pin came unscrewed and had to get complete hip replacement in 2014. I have more symptoms but running out if energy and it is time to eat and get ready for bed. The meds I take for the Parkinsons shy drager related symptoms dont seem to make any signiicant differencebi my comfort and continue to escalste in frequency and duration but continue to decrease i effwctivenesx. I had taken Namenda extended for rund a yearbtwhen my prescription went thru tge roof I stopped aking it and havent nkjcrped any specific losses from deleting it from my prescription list. When all symptoms start they seem to all set in at once, making me go from semi-normal 76 year old woman into a very frightening 100 year ,old wrinkled, crippled granny witch. Sincerely wish you have the means to refer me to kegitimate accessible help. P.s. i also use an inhaler up to 4x daily for breathlessness, also am slightly depressed. No longer seeing any doctor besides my highly qualified internest M, D. AT THE SUGGESTION OF my neurologist since he felt he had already tried anythng that might help makememore comfortable.. as you can imagine I am pretty miserable.
Oh, one more thing...I am about 5ft 2" and weigh around 120 lbs. With average appetite.. Only hveproblem swallowung when body shuts down and I have to struggle for air. please pardon typos,, It has been a long day and I am due for a mega shutdown.