I am a 35 year old man who has been taking adderall since I was 16. Over the years I have taken countless tests that some psychiatrist require and have always tested positive for severe add as a child and now severe ADHD as an adult. I have seen enough psychiatrist throughout my life and they have all diagnosed me exactly the same. I have tried every medication available to treat ADHD, but adderall It is the only one that truly works. Currently I am prescribed 30mg three times a day. I have tried lower doses as well as higher doses, but 90mg a day is my sweet spot. I also suffer from extreme anxiety, social anxiety, panic attacks and tension headaches. For this I am prescribed Alprazolam 2mg four times a day, so 120 pills a month. These are the only two meds I take and just like with the adderall I have tried nearly every anti anxiety, anti depressant available, but I have learned that xanax is what treats my condition best. I am writing this because I am terrified now because for the past 4 years I have been going to my general practitioner, but this month is her last month before going to work at hospice. I have no idea what I am going to do. I know from experience most doctors would be very reluctant to give me the medications I know work for me. I know there are some, but I am not a doctor shopper nor do I have the money to go to a doc or psychiatrist only to be turned away even though I have all my medical records . As I mentioned I am terrified because I need my medication. I know what works and what does not. After the middle of next month I will be out of my medication. Do you have any advice as to what I should do.
Thank you, Matt