I am a 48 yr old male. A disabled veteran with many old injuries and lots of hardware, ie., (tib/fib plates, R knee plates/screws, spinal fusion-T10 thru L3 w/some spinal cord damage, Barretts esophagus), and a questionable diagnosis of cerebellar ataxia. I get along ok but recently started intermittent bouts of sever diarrhea, restlessness/sleeplessness, frequent headaches, all-over body pain (especially joints, arms and jaw/neck), dizzy/lightheadedness, and fatigue. No fever and the symptoms come and go. I take Kepra (1,000mg/day), Metroprolol (25mg x2/day), and Omeprazole ER (20mg/day). Though I have full VA coverage, I am seeking outside advice. My insurance does not require referrals, so do I start with a specialist or seek a primary physician first. Thank you in advance for any advice you may have.
Aaron S.